8 Things That Keep Me Going
I have to admit , the journey of motherhood is not for the faint-hearted. As much as I try to have a routine, each day is so different. I can go from feeling so energized one day to wanting to spend an entire day in bed.
I have however come to realise that i have to make a conscious decision to enjoy each day despite what lies ahead. There are a few things that keep me going as I take on each day.
My faith in God
I think most people don’t know this but I’m a pastor’s kid. My foundation has been on the Word of God and it’s something I’m still holding on to even now that I’m older. I am entirely dependent on my Maker and I draw my strength from spending time in prayer and reading the Word.
My kids
Taking care of my babies is the reason I’m exhausted most of the time but they are the greatest blessing in my life. Watching my kids just helps me to have a fresh view on life. I love how they are so loving and they find great joy in things most of us find insignificant.
Who doesn’t enjoy coffee? A cup before starting my day energizes me and I feel ready to take on the day’s work. The fact that I have it at work makes it even better as my little ones can’t distract me until it’s cold.
Music is food for the soul. Listening to my favorite music as I drive to work in the morning really cheers me up. It’s the only time I feel like the world’s best dancer because if I had to do it standing, it would be an entirely different story.
I love to laugh
I’ve taught myself not to take everything to heart. I’m not perfect and I’ve learnt to accept who I am. Irregardless of how things look, I choose to enjoy each day and laugh a little.
It makes me happier to give than to receive. I love to make those around me feel loved and appreciated. I believe that giving is beyond material things , it can be making time to share a meal with a loved one or a call to a friend you have not seen in a while.
I believe if you’ve read my previous blog posts you’ll know that gratitude is something I take seriously. I really do believe that a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles. I am intentional about counting my blessings and this helps me to enjoy life.
Being in nature
I love nature and being surrounded by a beautiful scenery and breathing in clean air makes feel calm. I also feel so close to God as I see Him in nature and all it’s beauty.
These are just a few of the things that keep me going. What keeps you going? Please share in the comments below.
Photography by Peter Ndele Pictures
4 Comments. Leave new
I love reading your articles, they give me reassurance that although iam not perfect in my everyday motherhood journey…. Iam going towards the right direction
Thank you for the inspiration
We don’t need to be perfect and our best is good enough as mommies. Thanks for reading and walking this journey with me ❤️
Thanks for sharing.
Many things keep me going but most of all is God, morning workouts just increase my alertness, Family and friends, listening to motivational talks
It’s amazing what a good workout can do. Thanks for reading ❤️