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Does Motherhood Mean Giving Up On Your Dreams?

Does Motherhood Mean Giving Up On Your Dreams?

Motherhood is all about learning through your journey  meaning that there will never be a time where you have everything figured out. Every stage brings along with it new challenges that require you to reassess your approach to being a mom.

I believe most of us are constantly confronted with the question of whether you are putting enough effort and work towards your dreams and that’s if you are doing anything at all. You might also feel the temptation to give up when your list of responsibilities is increasing. I’ve always believed and I still do, that motherhood is part of who you are and the aspirations you’ve had for your life should move parallel those of your family and journey of motherhood.

Women should still thrive in all areas of life and motherhood is definitely not a reason to give up on your dreams.

How do you stay motivated to work towards your goals as a mom?

Write it down and assess your progress often  

 Writing down your goals is a way of keeping yourself accountable and motivated. Plan out the steps by step process of what you want to achieve and work on it daily. If you put in consistent effort , you’ll be surprised by how much you have achieved in a brief period of time. A day or two missed is not a reason to let go, regain your focus and continue to put in the work.

Make time for it

Wishing you had more time will only add to your frustration but managing the time you do have will help you to get to work on your goals. Allocate time to focus on a specific task at a time and get that done first. This will leave you feeling motivated to tackle the next step. It is also important for moms to acknowledge that we cannot manage to work and take care of our homes all alone. It is ok to ask for help to create more time in your day.

Let go of fear

 You could have a lot of potential but allowing fear space in your life will hold you back. It is normal to have feelings of fear but tell yourself that you will continue despite the fear. I’m personally motivated but challenges I encounter in the pursuit of my dreams because I really want to see how far I can go if I refuse to give up.

Block out negative talk

 Every time you step out of your comfort zone to try something new, there will always be naysayers who will tell you that you simply can’t do it. That’s a part of life but remember that no one knows what you aim to achieve and it is expected that they won’t understand the process. I’m not saying that you should not listen to anyone but remember that some people will never encourage you to rise but would rather discourage you.

Mommies often have their plates full but within all the chaos , your desires and aspirations should not be taken for granted. Refuse to give up on your dreams. Make time and put effort in nurturing you and working towards your goals and dreams.


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