Embracing The Journey
I think we are all aware that we are a generation that has gotten used to instant results. There are so many gadgets to help us do a lot of things in very little time. The sad bit is that our minds are so accustomed to this to a point where we expect the same to happen in the course of our lives. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work this way and we feel disappointed when we don’t get instant results.
Well, I do wish I had a magic wand to make everything a little easier for all of us but the process and the journey serve an even greater purpose by molding our characters and helping us grow.
Growth and results take time. It requires us to look at it as a stepwise process rather than something that happens overnight. Here are ways to help you embrace the journey as you navigate through life and towards your set goals.
Do something small every day
Many small actions will achieve great results. If you desire to have a more organized and less cluttered home, make time to tackle one cupboard at a time. It might take a month but in the end, you will achieve your goal. This applies to any area of your life. Take little steps daily and watch how you transform your life.
Accept that you will make mistakes
You are human and you will not always get everything right. Be patient with yourself and understand that mistakes do not define you. They are part of the journey and are necessary for your growth.
Learn from your experiences
Going through an experience, good or bad, but failing to take the lessons and use them for your growth will be a waste. Always ask yourself, what is this experience teaching me? Take that lesson and run with it. Don’t allow yourself to be someone so focused on the experience that you fail to grow and learn through it.
Enjoy the journey
You can choose to be miserable or happy, it is entirely up to you. Joy is something that you work on internally and shouldn’t be determined by what happens around you. Even amidst challenging times, you can make the choice to be happy because nothing is permanent and better days are ahead of you.
Be grateful
Before you start complaining about anything, look around you and you will realize that there is something to be grateful for. Make it your mission to cultivate an attitude of gratitude through the different seasons of your life. You might not understand while you go through them but one day you will look back and be grateful for the level of growth you’ve been propelled to.
Photo from Unsplash.com