Five Christmas Gifts Any Working Mom Will Love
It’s time to spread the love and who deserves it better than a working mom…Hahaha! Ok jokes aside but we all know that the life of a working mom is all about juggling so many things while trying to ensure that you are also well taken care of.
What better way to make a mommy feel appreciated than gifting her with something that makes her life a little easier and leaves her feeling special.
If you are struggling to get the perfect gift for a working mom , here are a few ideas I think will definitely be a hit!
Spa voucher
This one takes the number one spot because moms are all about taking care of every one else besides themselves. A day at the spa without having to worry about the kids or dinner will put a smile on any mommy’s face.
2021 planner
Working moms have a lot on their plates and anything can be easily forgotten if not written down. A planner will come in really handy to help her stay on track with kiddies activities , work commitments or even schedule a day out with her girls!
It’s also important to have your goals written out to stay on track and ensure that your actions align with these goals and a good planner will help you do just that.
A daily devotional
I personally find it empowering to have some quiet time to myself every morning to read my bible and pray before taking on the day. It helps me to approach the day feeling calm and I just handle everything coming my way a little better. A daily devotional is a great part of my quiet time and the daily theme just sets a great tone for the day.
Babysit for a day
How about the gift of time? For most moms ,it’s either they are at work or at home taking care of the kids. Offer to babysit for a day and allow the working mommy to catch up on her shopping or go for a date night.
I think it’s important to have moment to yourself without the kids to regain your thoughts and balance amidst the chaos and this gift will definitely go a long way.
I hardly have my hands free and when I have to attend to a call, it seem my son gets the message that now is the time to ask mom for snacks and help with a thousand things he can think of. This is a great gift for a mom as multitasking is often the order of the day.
These are gifts that I think are practical and any working mom will appreciate. If you have other ideas, please share in the comments below.
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