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Five Things I Wish To Do Differently In 2021

Five Things I Wish To Do Differently In 2021


It’s the start of the new year  and I believe most people have already started with their new year’s resolutions. I’m not saying that making resolutions is wrong but I’m just over getting excited about the new year and writing up a list of goals only to forget about them a few days or weeks down the line. I believe that our experiences are opportunities for new lessons and growth which  should happen over time as our lives evolve. It’s definitely not only limited to the start of a new year.


Big changes are a result of small continuous effort. There are five things I wish to do differently this year and I think you should too.


Prioritize myself


I’m one to sacrifice so much of myself for others to a point where it becomes draining. I would like to work on taking better care of myself both physically and emotionally by filling my cup and knowing when it’s time to stop pouring from it.


I believe I’ll be speaking for most moms if I say that doing anything for myself is usually followed by guilt as I’m subsequently flooded by thoughts of what I could have done for the kids instead. It is undeniable that as moms we deserve the love and care we so freely give.


 Do it afraid 


I am currently reading a book by Joyce Meyer titled ‘Do it Afraid’ and that’s  how I wish to live my life. We can’t run away from the fact that we will experience fear but the power lies in us refusing to allow it to hold us back from new experiences and pursuing our God given purpose. 


 Read more books 


Studying further has led me to spend less time reading my favourite books. I have a few that I’ve purchased but never got to read and I hope to get to them and some new and exciting ones during the course of the year.


Make time to have fun


Yes we have to work but all work no play isn’t cool at all. As our family dynamics change, I’m finding it difficult to make time to do the things I love but It’s equally important to make time to have some fun. If at all possible , it should be without the kids at times. Mommies also deserve to enjoy some time to themselves or with their significant other. A lot of planning in advance will be necessary to be a able to achieve this one.


Live in the moment


We often think our lives would be better if we could change or acquire certain things but every stage of life is different and plays a role in shaping us for the purpose which we’ve been predestined on this earth. I’m learning to embrace the different seasons of my life and to find joy in the moment without being distracted by worry or wishing that it played out differently.


These are some of the things I wish to do differently  this year. What changes do you wish to make? Please share in the comments.





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