Five Tips On How To Boost Your Energy As A Working Mom

Five Tips On How To Boost Your Energy As A Working Mom

I have to admit that I secretly wish I was as energized as my kids because these little ones just seem to never get tired. As a working mom, the end of my work day is simply the start of my evening routine with the kids at home. I know that for many of us , there is a lot that we wish to accomplish daily but we often fall short because by the end of our work day, our energy is simply depleted.

There are five things that you can do to help  boost your energy.

Eat well balanced meals

Our nutrition plays a big role in our overall health and as the saying goes, you are what you eat. Make an effort to fill your pantry with healthy food as this will make it easier to stick to a healthy diet. Include lots of fruit and vegetables in you diet and drink plenty of water. To beat those cravings , always try and find a healthy substitute.

Get enough sleep

It’s quite easy to get carried away while scrolling on your phone when it’s bed time. The downfall of insufficient sleep is that you will not be as effective as you would be had you allowed yourself sufficient time to sleep. As part of your nighttime routine, set a time to switch off your devices a while before bed time as this will make it easier for you to fall asleep. It can be tempting to get a lot more done in the evening but make it a habit to go to bed a little earlier to give your body the much needed time to rest.


It’s not about the amount of time you spend exercising but rather about making the effort to get your body moving. Simple exercise at home or a walk with your kids will not only boost your energy but your mood too.

Take a break

Allow yourself to break away from your busy schedule and take some time to breathe in deeply and relax. Give yourself the permission to have moments to reset in between the chaos of the day.

Practice gratitude

Grab your journal and write down what you are grateful for each day. A constant worry about the long list of things you need to get done will only make you feel anxious and drain your energy. Rather than feeling bad about what’s not going your way, choose to be grateful for the little things and you will feel more energized.

As working moms, our days are loaded with many activities and practicing these tips can help you boost your energy.

Please share how you stay energized in the comments below.


Photo from Unsplash.com

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • I try to take off Sunday as my rest day. I recently introduced meal planning tht us making a difference to my busy day. Lovely article


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