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Four Reasons It’s Important To Finish What You Started 

Four Reasons It’s Important To Finish What You Started 

Do you find it easy to dive into a new project only to lose interest once the excitement is gone and what’s left is to do the work ?

Everyone has the ability to start but the greatest lesson and growth comes from keeping on right until the very end to accomplish what you intended from the start.

Limiting beliefs about your abilities and fear of failure can be the reason you do not finish what you start.

Here are four reasons you should strive to finish what you start.

A sense of accomplishment

Achieving a goal that you had set for yourself is gratifying and it motivates you to take on even bigger challenges. It changes any negative thoughts or perceptions you had about yourself and will boost your confidence. Being a finisher will also allow you to discover new strengths that you did not know you posses and change the way you feel about yourself for the better.

Creates good habits 

You are what you repeatedly do and by leaving  a trail of unfinished tasks, you are not taking  steps towards accomplishing your goals. You have to work to be the version of yourself you desire and completing what you start will build you to be an individual who refuses to give up in the face of challenges. Moms are often faced with the challenge of being overwhelmed with an endless to-do list  which leads to them having a lot of unfinished projects. Instead of multitasking, allow yourself to do what you can and do it well.

A good and practical example for your kids 

We can spend countless hours trying to teach our kids certain behaviors but what they internalise is what they see us do. I believe that  you’ve noticed that kids often imitate you as their parent and what better way to teach them than by being an example of someone who is not only a starter but a finisher too.

You can measure your abilities and  progress 

How do you measure your progress, be it in your career , as a parent or any aspect of life you want to improve? We cannot deny the fact that we all feel discouraged at some point in our lives but the end goal and the reason we start any project should be reason enough to carry on till the finish mark. Making the effort to  complete anything you start , regardless of how small or big a task is ,will propel you to achieve anything that you set your mind to.

You will never discover new strengths or know your tenacity except by taking the step to take on new challenges and be a finisher. If you feel tired along the way, allow yourself to take a break but refuse to give up because you have it in you to achieve anything you put your mind to.


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