Lessons I Learnt In 2020
This year has been nothing short of drastic changes and new experiences in everyone’s life and I think it’s safe to say that it was like a rollercoaster ride. It has forced me to see life in a way i never did and through this experience, there are five lessons that I’ve learnt and will carry with for the rest of my life.
Fear is not an option
This is not to say that I do not experience fear but I’ve learnt that it should never rule my life. Fear can be a paralyzing factor and our fears might not even be a true reflection of reality. It is better to try and fail at something than to never try all. Most of life’s greatest lessons which are catalysts for our growth are mostly hidden in what seems to be or what we call our failures. Moving forward, I choose to not allow fear to rule my life.
The best time is now
Most of us lead very busy lives and it’s quite easy to delay pursuing our goals with the excuse of not having sufficient time. The bitter truth is that if you want something hard enough, you will make the time for it.The future is so uncertain and this year has been proof that life might not go as we have planned. The best time and the time we are truly certain of is the present. I have learnt to purposefully take each day as it comes and make the best of it.
Gratitude always
Gratitude. This has to be the greatest lesson of all for me. It is said that you do not realise the value of something until you lose it but this doesn’t have to be the case. As a result of the pandemic , we’ve had moments where the simple pleasures of life were put on hold and this was a wake up call. Never take anything for granted. It is easy for us to tune to autopilot and everything seems to be a given. I have learnt to receive each day with gratitude and to savor every moment and season of my life.
You have power over your thoughts
There are times in my life where I have allowed circumstances to depict the status of my emotions and thoughts. I’ve learnt that my emotions and thoughts should not control me but it should be the other way round. I have the power within to decide how I react and move forward in my journey of life despite what I could be experiencing. No matter the situation, choose to think positive thoughts.
Protect your peace
There is a lot of information that we consume daily and most of it can have a negative effect on our emotions to the point of stealing our peace. I have learnt to be selective with what read , who I interact with and allow to be part of my life. In everything I do , my priority is to protect my peace of mind.
These are the major lessons that I have learnt in this year and I hope to live by.
What has this year taught you ? Share in the comments below
Photo from Unsplash.com.
2 Comments. Leave new
Patience, this year taught me to be more patient with myself and those around me, home schooling the kids needed loads of patience!!
This year taught me that when you believe something can be done, you will always find the ways to do it. It taught me that things may not always turn out the way i thought they should.