Six Essentials For The Working Mom

Six Essentials For The Working Mom

Being a mom is a lot of work and when you add a full time job to it… well, let’s just say it really takes effort to manage it all. There’s so much for me to juggle everyday and I’m all for finding ways to make my days a little easier. There are six items  that I can’t do without and think every working mommy should have.

1. A chic backpack

I have carried a handbag to work for a number of years and  I end up carrying a whole lot of things in it causing it to  wear  out really quickly. One day when shopping for a handbag , the sales lady advised me to get a stylish backpack to carry to work. I have  to say that this was brilliant advice because I can carry a lot more in it and it’s really durable.

2. Comfortable shoes

I spend most of my day on my feet and to survive the day , comfortable shoes are a must. Comfy shoes provide great support meaning less aches and pains. It doesn’t have to be a not so cute pair as  there are shoes that are both beautiful and comfortable.

3. Medium size cooler bag

I have my breakfast at work meaning that I need a good way to store it along with my snacks and fruit. My medium sized cooler does the trick. I don’t enjoy very cold fruit so storing it in a cooler means that it is at the perfect temperature by the time decide to have it.

4. A water bottle

It’s important to stay hydrated and if you have your water close by at all times , it won’t be a struggle to drink the required amount of water you should have in a day.

5. A notebook

There are a lot of thing that you need to keep remembrance of and if you do not write it down, you’ll definitely forget. You can use your phone or a notepad, whichever one suits you best. I  note down tasks I need to get done for the day or the week and this helps me stay on track.

6. Nutribullet baby food blender

To ensure that your baby is having nutritious meals while you are at work , it’s better to prepare and store meals ready for anyone taking care of him or her to give. The Nutribullet baby food blender can blend any meal to the desired consistency and comes with storage containers meaning you can batch prep your baby’s meals.

These are a few things that make my day to day as a working mom a little easier. Which items can you not do without? Please share in the comments below.


Photo from Unsplash.com.

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