Three Reasons Moms Need Time Away From Their Kids
I know all moms , especially working moms , wish they could spend more time with their kids and guilt often creeps in when time is spent away. As much as you might think that always being present with your kids would be the best thing for them, it wouldn’t be so for you as their mom.
It’s important for moms to remember that before motherhood, there was an individual who had their own dreams and things they loved to do. Time taken away from the kids helps us to embrace and meet the needs of that person instead of suppressing her like she never existed.
Giving yourself time away from your kids can benefit you in the following ways.
You get some much needed rest
The majority of time spent with our kids is spent taking care of their needs and it doesn’t matter whether you feel burnt out or not, they expect you to listen and meet their demands. Time to yourself allows you to give your body rest which you might not be getting enough of and this will help to clear your mind.
It allows you to reconnect with yourself
Mothers often give so much of themselves to a point where their cups run empty. Taking time to yourself gives you the space to look within you and remind yourself of the person you are besides being a mom. It gives you the permission to care for the deepest part of your soul. At times, something as simple as a lunch date with a friend to relax and have a chat can do wonders for your soul. I’ve come to realise that time to myself does so much good for my emotional well being . I’m more calmer and it spares from from having a meltdown because I just haven’t been taking good care of myself.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
You might find it hard to allow someone to step in and care for your kids because you think nobody else can do a better job. That person is not you but one thing for sure is that they will do a good job if given the opportunity. Moms do need a break and having someone care for your kids even if it’s just for some part of the day will help both you and your kids appreciate each other even more. Your kids might tire you out with countless questions that you don’t have the energy to answer but a moment spent away sipping on some coffee can have you smiling and realizing that those moments are to be treasured.
Having the need to spent time away from your kids doesn’t mean that you don’t love parenting them. It only allows you to embrace who you are and have the time to do what makes you happy. Go ahead and schedule some me time because your kids deserve a happy mommy who is well taken care of.
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