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Time Management Tips For Busy Moms

Time Management Tips For Busy Moms

Don’t we all just wish we had more hours in a day? Our responsibilities as working moms leave us wanting to get more done in a day but we just never seem to have enough time. All we have is twenty four hours and in one way or another we have to find ways to get through the important tasks we have for the day and also spare a moment to just breathe.

There are a few thing that you can do to take charge  of your time and be more productive.

Identify time wasters

To manage your time better, first  identify what  is stealing your  time during  the day. I believe we have all been caught scrolling on our phones only to notice later that you’ve been busy doing nothing for at least fifteen minutes. One other thing that could be stealing your time is the failure to plan ahead. Taking on your day without planning ahead will leave you running from pillar to post  and wasting time trying to figure things out while making you feeling overwhelmed.

Whatever it is , take time and identify the things that steal precious time from your day and find ways to eliminate these time wasters.

Have a routine and prioritize

 If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Taking on your day with no plan on what you are going to get done and how much time you’ll need will see you running out of time to do the important things for the day.

Plan your day in advance and allocate the time you need to accomplish each task. Having a morning and night routine will help you prioritize the important things that you need to get done daily rather than trying to do everything. By planning ahead , you will get to do the important tasks for each day first and spread out some tasks over a day or two.

Cook in bulk  

This is one thing I love to do. When preparing dinner for example, I make enough  for the next day as well. You can always add a salad to make the meal a little different but the best part is that you have saved time to do something else rather than prepare dinner the next day. Meal planning and prepping is also a great way to remove the frustration of wondering what to have for dinner which is time consuming.

 Learn to say no

 Master the art of saying no and not being a people pleaser. You can only do so much and you don’t have to take on more than you can handle. It’s ok to miss certain events so you can do something that is of importance to you. Learn to say no to yourself too. It can be  tempting but don’t  keep pushing yourself to do more when you  were meant to have time to relax and get rejuvenated.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself

As you plan and make time to care for the home and everyone else, don’t forget to make time for yourself to rest. To be a good mom to your kids , you need to take care of both your physical and emotional well-being.

Yes we have limited time in a day but using these tools can help you to be more prepared for your daily tasks, manage your time better and remove the stress of trying to get everything done with no plan of action.


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