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Tips For Working Moms Who Want To Study Further

Tips For Working Moms Who Want To Study Further

If you are a working mom thinking about furthering your studies, I believe a lot of scary thoughts and questions have crossed your mind. You could be wondering where you will find the time because you have countless responsibilities and by the end of your day, your energy levels are as good as depleted.

I’ve been studying while working full time and taking care of my family and i often get get questions on how i manage to do this. There are a few tips I would like to share with you if you are still thinking that it’s just not for you or it can’t be done.

Believe that you can

I made the decision to study further a number of years after leaving pharmacy school and the thought of it was really intimidating. I hadn’t written an exam in quite a few years and compared to my varsity days, i didn’t have the luxury of time. Thoughts like these can leave you feeling like you can never make it but it’s not true at all. If you are committed to achieving your goal and willing to dedicate the time and effort required despite how you are feeling, you are well on your way to success. I have to admit that several times I felt like quitting but I had to keep reminding myself of the reason I started. You have to be fully committed to it and tell yourself that quitting is not an option.

 Choose a course that suits you

 When it comes to selecting a course to study, it should be one that you’ll firstly enjoy and the  requirements in terms of tasks should be within limits that you will manage to incorporate into your daily schedule. Online courses are the obvious choice for a working mom but get all the details before you start as some will require you to attend contact sessions.

Give no room to laziness

 You can try to get some activities done while keeping the kids entertained but it’s not so easy. You will be constantly distracted and you won’t be productive. The best times to get work done is during the late night hours when the kids are asleep or early mornings. It won’t be easy but it will require sheer dedication from you to get the required work done and on time.

Create a support system

You will be surprised by how much your family and friends are willing to help and support you on your journey of furthering your studies if you just simply ask for their help. I had to take online exams and the  grandparents were always willing to babysit while I do so. You don’t have to walk the journey alone and sharing your challenges with others can make the journey less stressful.

If studying further is the step you need take as you pursue your goals, it’s never too late to start. Be encouraged because you can start and succeed if you prepare adequately and are fully committed.


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