Motherhood… Expecting my first-born son was such an exciting time in my life. All I thought about was the time I would spend cuddling this tiny human I was going to meet soon. My day to day had always been about me; working, meeting with friends and taking care of my family.
I was nowhere near prepared for how my life would change despite all the reading I had done leading to the birth. Meeting my son was a joyous event yet a few months down the line, I realised that a lot had changed. I was caught up trying to ensure my baby received the best care that I forgot about me in the process.
You are an individual you are a mom or a wife.
We all have goals and dreams that we long to fulfil and it does not change because one has their own family or kids. It is crucial to nurture ourselves as moms to ensure that we give the best of ourselves. Neglecting oneself and all your ambitions can only lead to resentment of the ones we should love and enjoy our days with, hence it is important to nurture and care for ourselves as moms.
You cannot give what you do not have
Part of the role of being a mom is having the powerful position of influence and instilling certain values that we desire to see in our kids. This is something we will fail to achieve if we are not nurturing our dreams and our wellbeing, both physical and emotional. My son was only eight months old when I registered and started my studies of a postgraduate diploma. I did not worry about how I would manage and had told myself that whatever happens, I would have at least tried. To my surprise, I manage to complete my tasks while working and taking care of the family and at the moment I am close to completing my master’s. Dear working mom, you can do whatever you set your mind to. Taking this step made me a happier person and I felt empowered that I could achieve greater things I aspire.
Love, Muhluri
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Indeed no goal is too high… Dear women, let’s focus
True indeed.