Work-Life Balance – Can Working Moms Have It All? 

Work-Life Balance – Can Working Moms Have It All? 


I often wonder, and I think every working mom does , how things would be if I could spend more time with my kids. It’s a thought that constantly lingers in my mind and I don’t think there is a single answer to it either. 


In today’s world, whether to work or not is often a choice not given due to the standard of living desired and also the fact that  most women feel the need to be financially independent.


Having an eight hour work day already takes a huge chunk of my day meaning that by the time I’m home , I have limited time  fit every other aspect of my life outside of work including spending time with my kids. Despite all these facts staring you in the face,  being a working mom does not entail letting go and never trying to create the kind of  life you would like to have outside of your work environment.


The question is , can working moms have it all and if so , where does one even start? 


There are a few things that I’ve found to be helpful as I navigate my journey as a working mom:


Give your best at work 


I love a scripture in the Bible that says, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, ”Colossians 3:23. To be fulfilled in your work , it’s important to give it your best.You are already investing a lot of time therefore it’s better to make it contribute to your personal growth rather than seeing it as a punishment. The more I’ve challenged myself to alter my attitude towards certain areas of my life, I’ve come to find even the most daunting tasks easy to get through. 


Another way to benefit from your work is to take opportunities to grow your career that are offered by your employer or if not , create opportunities for yourself,  for example, by taking short courses. Simply put, make the best of the time you have invested at work while creating boundaries to ensure that it does not steal the time you need to be dedicating to your family.  


Make your time at home memorable 


Be intentional with the time you get to spend with your family. Identify the areas that you feel need more of your  attention and  find ways to dedicate more of your time and energy in that area. If you feel you need more one on one time with your kids, make an effort to plan out your meals so you spend less time in the kitchen and you can have more time playing with and listening to your kids.


Time away from work is time to care for the family but also for you get some much needed rest. Accepting every invitation is just not possible and it’s ok to refrain at times with the purpose of taking better care of yourself.


Get help with house chores 


 I’m one to always say that if you can afford it , it’s always better to have someone help you in your home. My  helper assists me with laundry and cleaning the house meaning that when I get home after work , I can make dinner and have a little time to play with my kids. I personally feel I need the help for the sake of my sanity. We are only physically  able to do so much and needing help to take care of your home doesn’t take anything away from the kind of mother you are.


Rather than putting pressure on yourself as a mom trying to attain ‘work/life balance’ , put more energy into being wholly present wherever you get to spend your time. It is also important to shut down the noise and avoid the temptation of  comparing oneself to the pictures of perfect motherhood painted on social media. Always know that your journey  as a mom is a unique one and  simply stay true to yourself.





Photo from unsplash.com.
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